Friday 26 November 2010


These are just some of the images that I have taken already for the photoessay.  I am keeping a vintage colour effect to them to try and enhance the age of the building. 

Saturday 20 November 2010


I found a poem that sums up the condition and situation of the house that I am documenting for my photoessay.  I am going to use this poem as the foundation for my photos.  I plan on using a recording of a reciting of the poem as the audio for my film. 

A sad, abandoned country house,
withers upon it's tiny hill.
What once protected, now is open,
and winds blow through it's broken window sills.

Deeded now to bird and mouse,
to spiders and to who-knows-what.
Sagging porch and empty rooms,
a kitchen wall with grease still spattered,
from someone's long-past breakfast.
laughter, cries, and prayer
used to fill this air.

And, beside this kitchen door,
children played and pattered
No more.

Ancient glass fragments, and 
something like putty on the floor,
a kettle, pieces of a shattered crock,
and "did someone throw it?" a rock.

Outside, a rusted plough, and this rubble
that might once have been a wagon,
nearer the house, lesser artefacts: 
a medicine bottle, a shoe,
like the kin of those who strove here,

Sunset and sadness come 
as I stand among the runes,
trying to honor 
something that mattered.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Photo Essay Beginnings

Our next photography project is to create a Photo Essay film.  This is an ongoing project that lasts a couple of weeks.  However for this week we have to bring in an image that sums up the location or subject that we have chosen to study.  
My subject is an old abandoned house near my home in the country.  This house still has artefacts of the people that once lived here. In this regards I think it would be an interesting subject to study. 

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Milk Run!

This is a gorgeous, short-film-esque ad, directed by Sam Peacocke for VW New Zealand. The concept is amazing and executed really well.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Barbara Kruger

This week we had to create three images in the style of Barbara Kruger's work.  Her work combines emotive black and white photographs with pithy declarations in white and red text in the font 'Futura'.  Her work resembles old propaganda posters, and creates tensions between the rhetoric of the image and the text.  
I chose to recreate this style but using the everyday object of the chair.  I used the many chairs that could be found in the university.